This site it the personal playground and portfolio of Kristin Henry; programmer, computational artist, science animator, interactive data visualization expert, and all-around geek with artistic tendencies.
Who am I? I'm Kristin Henry: web consultant, specializing in interactive visualizations of scientific data and information using Flash. I also take on commercial projects, and past and current clients include Nordstrom, Adobe, NASA, Intuit.
I'm a coder, and my current language of choice is ActionScript 3.
As a personal passion, I founded GalaxyGoo (a non-profit organization dedicated to increasing science literacy), where I am President and Lead Developer.
I've presented at both industry and academic conferences including FlashForward, FITC, FOTB and the Gordon Research Conference on Visualization in Science and Education. I've also taken GalaxyGoo's Cell Project to the Maker Faire.
In the print world, I've contributed to two books: New Masters of Flash Volume 3 and Special Edition Using Macromedia Studio 8. Also, I was honored when author Tom Green asked me contribute a few words on AS3 to his book Foundation Flash CS3.
On the web:
*A note to recruiters: please read this post before contacting me.